4 years ago
Marcia Hilliard-Baird
Wow - thoughts of Pat - there are so many! Most important is how she impacted me personally and professionally. As a young female entrepreneur she taught me to be bold, sensible and to Bill ! I don’t think I was ever able to share with her how discussions she may have thought were falling on deaf ears echoed years later and continue to this day. Personally Pat taught me to tuck away away a private savings, how to love but always have independence. I love to think of Pat pulling bark off a willow and drawing an amazing sketch, I was lucky to get a photo of what I believe was her first paid painting of a pup - it hangs on my fridge today ! I am moved by her involvement with the art club at retirement and the funds she raised and her passion! This too shall inspire me in the years to come. An AMAZING AMAZING woman! You will be so dearly missed and so grateful for all the touches over the years. They ran deep my dear. Xoxoxoxo RIP Pat. And love, sorry I do think of you walking through my porch screen, meeting us in London on our visit it meant so much and many many more